sange til døende - untitled 04 / øjeRum
dongbaek-kkot. Le camélia est au bord de chaque
hiver, son langage porte le rouge au bord du XIXème siècle, le rouge est la
couleur du centre des choses. A la frontière du rouge il existe des créatures
qui dessinent les rêves. Elle avait suivi le murmure comme cette fois où son
ombre avait suivi une autre direction, le camélia est à côté de ce paradoxe.
At the edge of each winter is a camellia, she brings red to the edge of the XIX century, red the colour of the core of all things. On the border of this colour we find the dream makers. She had followed the whispers as before when her shadow strayed in a different direction, the camellia grows next to this paradox.
At the edge of each winter is a camellia, she brings red to the edge of the XIX century, red the colour of the core of all things. On the border of this colour we find the dream makers. She had followed the whispers as before when her shadow strayed in a different direction, the camellia grows next to this paradox.